2 Important Things To Do Before Spray Foam Insulation Is Installed

If you feel that you pay too much money for heating and cooling, or if your home simply is not insulated properly, then it may be in your best interest to contact an individual who can place spray foam insulation.  The spray foam can be used to fill in all open spaces that are drafty and causing energy loss.  Professionals can usually add the insulation to your home in a day or two.  However, there are some things you should do before the professionals arrive.  A few suggestions are listed below.

Invest in Pest Control

When individuals think about the addition of insulation in the home, they consider larger areas like attics and basements that need to be closed off properly.  If your home is older though, or if you have not invested in new siding with the addition of foam insulation, then some energy is likely lost through the outside walls of your home.  Draft gauges or manometers are utilized to locate the most significant drafts.  

If the insulation professional informs you that insulation is best secured around outside walls and you have a mouse problem, then the mice can easily get trapped in the insulation material.  The mice are likely to suffocate and die, and they will decompose.  Decomposing mice will release horrible smells into your house.  Also, gases will build within the rodent body as decomposition advances.  These gases will look for an area where they can escape, and this can force holes to open in the insulation.  This can result in an unprotected home.

Good Mouse Control Methods

The best way to prevent mouse issues while spray foam insulation is secured is to get rid of the mice beforehand.  Begin the extermination process by removing all food sources that may be feeding the mice.  Place food from cardboard boxes into glass or plastic containers and clean up crumbs and debris regularly around the home.  Also, do not leave cat and dog food bowls out.  

After you remove the food sources, place glue, snap, or live catch traps around your home.  When you bait these traps, consider using peanut butter, chocolate, or a small piece of cookie.  Mice prefer sugary foods.  Contrary to popular belief, they do not like cheese.

Check your traps daily.  Contact an exterminator if you continue to see mouse feces around your home but you see no mice in your traps.

Clean Out Basements and Attics

A great deal of energy is often lost through attic and basement areas.  Small holes in between rafters and around shingles allow air to escape through the top of your home.  In the basement, old windows, crawl spaces, and deteriorating foundations cause energy loss.  If you keep a lot of belongings in these spaces though, then they can easily become ruined by the spray foam materials.  

Spray foam insulation is made out of a thick polyurethane plastic material that is extremely sticky.  The stickiness helps to hold the insulation in place, but it also means that it cannot be removed from the objects it falls upon.

Protecting Belongings

If you can, consider moving all important belongings out of your basement and attic.  Secure them in your garage or shed.  If you do not have one of these constructions, then consider renting a pod storage container or a moving truck you can park in your driveway to store your items temporarily.  If you have too many items that cannot be moved, then try to cover them with a sheet of plastic.  Two layers of plastic that are three to six mils thick is your best option.  Secure the plastic with duct tape around the edges to create a protective seal.

If you lose a good deal of energy through your attic, basement, or exterior walls, then think about hiring a contractor to place spray foam insulation for you.  Before the professionals arrive though, make sure to exterminate mice and move belongings out of your house. For more information, contact a local insulation company, like Northwest Sprayfoam Ltd insulation in Vancouver.
